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 A Healthy Choice Massage  Therapy and Day Spa Massage Therapy
  (402) 486-3032

                 Massage Therapy

In addition to relaxation, massage therapy provides many other health benefits including reduced mental stress and physical fatigue, improved circulation of the blood and lymphatic systems, and increased muscle and joint function. We will tailor your massage to meet specific needs and preferences.

Prior to any type of massage, you may choose a complimentary 15-minute session in the whirlpool or a moist heat pack application. These hydrotherapies improve the physical benefits of the massage, and enhance the experience.

Therapeutic Massage
We offer a full range of therapeutic techniques including Swedish massage, Deep Tissue massage, Prenatal massage, Myofascial Release, Hot Stone massage, and Sports Massage.

30 minutes......... $45.00
45 minutes..........$55.00
60 minutes..........$70.00
90 minutes..........$110.00

Hot Stone Massage
60 minutes..........$80.00
                  NEW to our Menu
A common practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine to relieve muscular pain and move fluids through the soft tissues. Using special plastic cups, suction is created over tension areas, affecting the muscles and fascia. Cupping can leave marks that will last for several days.
Cupping (added to a massage)..........$25.00

Ear Candling
A traditional European heat treatment, candling relaxes the soft tissues in and around the ear, introduces therapeutic herbal smoke into the ear canal, and creates a gentle convection.
Candle One Ear..........$45.00
Candle Both Ears.......$60.00

Essential Oils are chemicals that plants use to fight pests and diseases, attract animal assistance, and communicate with other plants. Aromatherapy is the ancient-yet-cutting-edge science of using these distilled chemicals as medicines, cosmetics, and spiritual aids. Consultation will include safety instructions and determining what oils are appropriate to your application. Treatments can be stand-alone or added to other services. After an initial consultation, bodycare products can be commissioned with essential oil blends developed for your unique needs.
Aromatherapy Consultation..........$30.00
Aromatherapy Treatment..............$25.00